Noise-Reducing Windows: Do You Need Them?

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Homeowners who live in heavy traffic areas may consider soundproofing their windows to reduce the amount of background noise in their home. Fortunately, if the outside noise is driving you crazy, there are solutions to make your home’s atmosphere more comfortable for you and your family.

Noise-reducing windows can offer many benefits to homeowners that need more peace and quiet. If you’re wondering how to reduce noise from outside your windows, here are some reasons why you might consider soundproof replacement windows for your home.

What Are Noise-Reducing Windows?

Noise-reducing windows, or soundproofing windows, help reduce the amount of outside noise that travels into your home. While windows can’t completely block out all noise, they can help to minimize annoying and unwanted sounds.

You can take several steps to improve the sound resistance in your home, including installing soundproof windows that help to slow the transfer of sound waves to make noises seem quieter than they are.

How Do Noise-Reducing Windows Work?

To dampen any sound, you have to create a barrier between the noise and your ear. Your home includes many features that already do this, including the roof, walls, siding, and windows. This barrier can work in one of two ways:

  • Sound Reduction: In this case, noise is decreased from its original level by being completely blocked. Sound-reducing products, such as noise-reducing windows, help to prevent sounds from entering your home.
  • Sound Absorption: This method stops noise from bouncing off surfaces and absorbs the noise instead. Sound is then reduced because its movements are completely halted.

Windows using sound reduction block as much outside noise as possible, while windows using sound absorption work to minimize reverberations of the sound that does penetrate through the glass.

Typically, noise-reducing windows do both. They slow the transfer of sound waves, making them seem quieter. These windows also absorb, reflect, or minimize sound as it travels through the glass. Although sounds with lower frequencies are harder to block than higher frequency sounds, these windows can block 90% to 95% of outside noise from coming through.

There are many ways window manufacturers work to do this. In the windows themselves, they may increase the thickness of the glass, add additional panes of glass, or optimize any air space by increasing the distance between window panes.

The best window glass to reduce noise is double-layered, so that noise must penetrate through two layers of glass to get inside your home. Dual- or triple-pane glass options are more effective at dampening outside noises.

Of course, proper installation of windows initially is very important for ensuring that they block as much outside noise as possible. A professional window installer can ensure all seals are airtight and that your window isn’t damaged.

Do I Need Noise Reducing Windows In My Home?

When it comes down to it, installing soundproof windows in your home is a personal choice depending on your level of comfort. Home is where most people want to feel the most comfortable and at peace, so minimizing as much noise from outside as possible is very beneficial.

The next time you need replacement windows, choose Rolox Home Services, LLC. We have office locations in Wichita, Kansas, and Grandview, Missouri, and we service all homes within 120 miles of those two locations. We also offer financing options to help you afford your next window replacement project. Contact us today at 1-800-950-3060.

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