Eight Common Myths About Window Replacements

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When the time comes to replace your windows, you might feel hesitant because of common misconceptions about window replacement or even horror stories you’ve heard from friends and neighbors who had a bad experience with their window replacement company.

We’re here to set the record straight and dispel eight common myths about window replacements, laying out the facts so you can make an informed decision about the future of your windows! It’s time to debunk window replacement myths.

Myth #1: Window Replacements Are Expensive

Fact: Window replacements can save you money!

Window replacement may seem like a hefty expense upfront, but the long-term savings pay off over time. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that homeowners can save up to $465 a year by replacing old, single-pane windows with energy-efficient double-pane ones! These savings primarily come from the reduced energy bills when you have well-insulated, energy-efficient windows.

In addition to the savings over time, replacement windows may qualify for special tax credits to give you as much as $500 in credit back from the total cost of your windows. Just make sure your new windows are Energy Star certified like Rolox windows! 

Myth #2: Window Replacement is Time-Consuming

Fact: Window replacement only takes a couple of days!

Are you concerned that replacing your windows will take weeks or months, leaving you with a drafty and uncomfortable home? You don’t have to worry about it when you let Rolox handle the job! Most window replacements only take a few days — and in some cases, just one day or less! We also will never leave you with a windowless opening in your home if the job takes more than one day. We’ll finish the window replacements we’ve started and return the next day to complete the rest.

Myth #3: DIY Window Replacement is Just as Good

Fact: Professional window replacement is better!

Window replacement is one remodel that is best left to the experts. With modern energy-efficient windows, a lot can go wrong in installation and compromise the integrity of the air infiltration rating. The best quality energy-efficient windows should be installed by a professional, who will ensure they do the job correctly. Professionals will also have access to advanced window coatings and treatments to make your replacement windows even more reliable and effective.

Myth #4: Energy-Efficient Windows Aren’t a Good Investment

Fact: Energy-efficient windows are a better investment than other replacement windows!

We’ve already touched on the utility bill savings that come with investing in energy-efficient windows, but it bears mentioning again! Even if you already have decent double-paned windows that are just getting a bit old, you can save over $100 a month on energy bills just by upgrading to more energy-efficient windows. How’s that for savings?

Myth #5: Windows Can Only Be Replaced in Spring and Summer

Fact: Windows can be replaced at any time of the year!

There is no “wrong” time to replace your windows. While spring and summer tend to be peak window replacement seasons in Kansa and Missouri due to the mild weather and climate, fall and winter can mean lower window replacement costs and a higher chance of getting contractors for the dates you need them since fewer homeowners are looking to replace their windows. Fall is especially ideal timing because of the mild temperatures and the chance to prepare your home before the winter chill sets in.

Myth #6: It’s Always Cheaper to Repair Windows than Replace

Fact: Window Replacement is often cheaper in the long run (and even short-term!)

Deciding whether to repair or replace your windows depends on your windows’ age, the damage’s extent, and what type of windows need replacing. While you can attempt some DIY repairs for minimal issues like drafty windows or a window that won’t stay open, most issues require replacement because they are irreparable or just too expensive to replace. For instance, if the insulating gas between double-paned windows has leaked out, you will need new windows.

Myth #7: Windows Only Need Replacing if Irreparably Broken

Fact: There are many reasons to replace your windows, not just when they break.

There are plenty of great reasons to replace your windows that can be advantageous to you as a homeowner, even if they’re not broken! It may be beneficial to replace your windows if:

  • You want to increase the value of your home
  • Your windows are more than 15 years old (or approaching 15 years)
  • Your energy bills have been getting high
  • You want to improve your home’s energy efficiency
  • You want to upgrade to higher-quality, double-pane windows
  • You wish your home had more natural light
  • Or even just to improve your home’s aesthetic and boost curb appeal!

Myth #8: All Replacement Windows are Created Equal

Fact: High-quality replacement windows are better!

While you might be able to find cheap replacement windows that claim to be energy-efficient, you should always look at their ratings, both from satisfied customers and from companies like Energy Star and the NFRC. Window replacement is an investment, and opting for higher quality will ensure it’s a good one!

The type of replacement windows you choose also matters. In addition to investing in double-pane, energy-efficient windows, you need window frames that are made to last. At Rolox, we install beautiful, high-quality vinyl replacement windows for their energy efficiency, low maintenance upkeep, durability, and unbeatable remodeling project ROI.

If you’re considering window replacement for your home, contact Rolox Home Service to book a consultation and get a free quote!

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